Excel Title Services
Excel Title Services

Complete Protection for the Purchase of Your Home

What is Title Insurance?

Title insurance provides you and the lender protection in case something unforeseen happens. Title insurance covers the loss of ownership interest in your property due to any number of reasons. Unlike traditional insurance that protects you against something in the future, title insurance protects you from something in the past. Also unlike other types of insurance, you only pay a premium once, at the time of the closing.

Title insurance can protect you from the following:

  • Undisclosed or unknown heirs
  • Forged deeds, mortgages, wills, and other documents
  • Probate issues
  • Deeds and wills by persons of unsound mind
  • Conveyances by undisclosed divorced spouses
  • Deeds by persons falsely representing their marital status
  • Adverse possession
  • Tax record errors
  • Unrecorded encumbrances and instruments

I can’t say enough good things about Excel Title Services! They were organized, efficient, and kept me informed at every step of the process. It’s evident they care about their clients.

Michael W.

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